Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sejara Indonesia! (History of Indonesia)

  Sejara (history)
     During the pre-colonial time in Indonesia, the two largest islands, which are now known as Java and Sumatra had already seen hundreds of civilations and two empires. In the 7th century, the kingdom of Sriwijaya flourished and Vajrayana Buddhism, pilgrims were attracted from all parts of Asia. Muslims traders were said to be the the ones that brought Islam. In Eastern Java came the Singhisari and Majapahit Empire which ruled much of the Southern Malay peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra and Bali from 1293-1500. This is known as a "Golden Age" of history of Indonesia.
    In the Early 16th century came European traders seeking some spices in The Moluccas, they sought to dominate spice trade. Then  the Portugese came seeking to extend their Roman Catholic missionary efforts. In 1602, the Dutch established the Dutch East India Company (VOC) dominating the trading. In three centuries many treaties were signed. However, the VOC dissolved following its bankruptcy. The Arrival of the Europeans in South East Asia is seen as a landmark in Indonesia's history.

   In the 20th century, Indonesian independence movement began and spred rapidly during the two World Wars. The Japanese, for three years during World War II, occupied Indonesia. Then three days after the Japanese surrendered, a small group of Indonesian's led by Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta, proclaimed independence and established the Republic of Indonesia. The dutch tried to reestablished control, but after 4 years the Dutch gave up control to the Indonesian Government.

 Important events
  • 1955-Country's first nationwide election and parliament was divided into different political parties
  • 1961- Negogations with the Dutch failed and armed clashes broke out between the Indonesian and Dutch troops
  • 1962- The two sides reached an agreement.
   During 1958 there were rebellions all through many islands, but were unsuccessful. In 1959, President Soekarno put a new regime under the name "Guided Democracy". He also put Indonesia's foreign policy towards nonalignment, which is a foreign policy stance with other leaders of colonies who rejected alliances with the West or Soviet block. In the late 1950's,Soekarno moved closer to Asian communist states and the Indonesian Communist party (PKI). By 1965 PKI controlled many of the mass civil and cultural organizations that Soekarno established. Many army leaders resisted this. Then on October 1, 1965, PKI sympathizers kidnapped and murdered six senior generals. Later, Major General Suharto rallied arny troops against the PKI togetther to reestablish control.
  • 1965-1966- Soekarno tried to restore his political stature
  • 1966- Soekarno transferred political and military powers to Suharto.
   Suharto put a new order which shifted the foreign and domestic policies from the course on which it was. Things were going good and then in mid 1997 Indonesia suffered from the Asian economic crisis. Prices went up and inflation increased. Demonstrators demanded for Suharto's resignation and he eventually resigned making B.J. Habibie Indonesia's third president.
     In 1999, there was a ballot held to choose between autonomy and independence. Many people were killed after the news of the pro-independence vote. In November Abdurrahman Wahid was named fourth president and in 2001, Megawati Sukarnoputri was the fifth presient. In 2004, elections were taking again and  a retired general Yudhoyono won.

Natural Disasters
    Many natural disasters have devastated Indonesia. In 2004, a 9.1 - 9.3 earthquake took place in the Indian Ocean which resulted in an tsunami that killed more than 130,000 people in Aceh and left over 500,000 homeless. On March 2005, there was an 8.7 eathquake in between Aceh and Nothern Sumatra that killed 905 people and displaced thousands of people. After seismetic activity in Mt. Merapi in April, there was an 6.2 eartquake in May 2006, which killed over 5,000 and left 200,000 homeless. On September 2, 2009 there was an 7.4 earthquake in Tasikmalaya that killed a 100 people. Then on September30,2009 there was a 7.6 earthquake in Western Sumatra.

2004 tsunami

 According to the governments statistics bureau, 18% of  the population of 220 millon are poor, which is 4 million more than in 2005.

Health Issues
   There are many health issues in Indonesia going on, including infectious diseases. Some are malaria, Dengue, HIV, typhoid fever and many more.
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